The woman in white first appears at night on a lonely heath near London and is next seen at a grave-side in Cumberland. Who is she? Where has she come from, and what is her history? She seems...
A Get to the Top Plus az egyik legkiemelkedőbb könyvünk frissített változata, mely maximálisan megfelel az Európai Referenciakeret előírásainak. A hat modulból álló részek élénk...
Young Stars is a brand new primary course in British English. It follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Young Stars is accompanied by...
Twenty years ago Michael Baigent and his colleagues stunned the world with a controversial theory that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene married and founded a holy bloodline. His bestselling book...
A politician wakes with a beautiful girl; a criminal briefs his team; a tycoon breakfasts with a Bank official. Then three stories break: an attempted suicide, a hijack, and a takeover bid. They...
Explanations and instructions in English for classroom instruction ans for self-study coursebook + exercise book + downloadable Audio. Second volume in a series of 3.
Book Two in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles--the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All TimeDune Messiah continues the story of Paul Atreides, better known--and feared--as the man christened...
John Grady Cole is the last bewildered survivor of many generations of Texas ranchers. Finding himself cut off from the only life he has ever wanted, he sets out for Mexico with his friend Lacey...
Egy sok sikert és tévutat tapasztalt nyelvtanár tréfás és tanulságos tankönyve kezdőknek, újrakezdőknek és nyelvgyakorlóknak. Ellenállhatatlan humorral segít a tévhitek...
Clashing empires, forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, and a long-forgotten queen destined to save her people―New York Times bestselling author Tahereh Mafi's first novel in this epic, romantic...