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7 éj szállás kétágyas...
Ajeets Group is a manpower recruitment agency that helps you build your career in the nursing industry or get world-class nurses if you are a client. We have more than 17 years of experience as a...
AJEETS is the top International Recruitment Agency, which supplies professional, skilled, and unskilled manpower from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines for 48+ different...
Are you looking for Skilled Workers for your construction industry?
AJEETS as a Construction Work Agency is here to help your industry by staffing the most skilled workers for your construction...
India, being a highly populated country, is the hub of manpower. Due to this, many countries seek manpower from us to fulfill their employment requirements through Recruitment Agencies in India....
The medical sector has advanced exponentially due to the new diseases that come up every day. The readiness of the professionals in the medical industry decides the success and achievement of any...
AJEETS has hired numerous individuals from various countries and has consistently lived up to our client's expectations. In India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda,...
Miért jelentkezz hozzánk erre a pozícióra?
»A Fire Box Kft. munkavédelmi, tűzvédelmi, környezetvédelmi szakcég, mely teljes körűen látja el a...
Inoventive3D, the best and trusted scale model makers from Middle East with its corporate office in Dubai, UAE offers world-class scale models, affordable price and immediate delivery to Middle...
Gyomaendrődi irodánk vállalja egyéni és társas vállalkozások teljes körű könyvelését, bérszámfejtését több éves tapasztalattal.
Széchenyi Kártya ügyintézést vállalunk...
Gyomaendrődi könyvelő irodánk nagy tapasztalattal vállalja egyéni és társas vállalkozások (KFT, Bt, Zrt), mezőgazdasági vállalkozások, őstermelők, civil szervezetek (alapítvány,...