Szerző: Stumpf István Gondolat Kiadó, 2022 Professor István Stumpf serves as the President of the board of the foundation maintaining the newly founded University of Tokaj. In 2021, he was...
Model number POLONA03BDA SKU 120839107101 Noise cancelling microphone delivers clear, high-fidelity sound during hands-free voice calls All-day battery life. Sustains 22hr average operation...
90 darab kapszula, FenuMAT™ technológiás készítmény, a C-vitamin szint folyamatos magasan tartására. A FenuMAT™ és liposzómás technológiák ötvözete új távlatot nyitott a...
COLONUM 3x180 g béltisztító étrend-kiegészítő, magas rost és probiotikum, L-glutamin - Mannavita A Colonum egy magas rost és probiotikum tartalmú készítmény, mely L-glutamint [01.] is...
SZÉP NAPOT KOLLAGÉN! Frissítő áfonyás ízű kollagén, ami egyszerre gondoskodik a megfelelő kollagénbevitelről, 2 féle természetes forrásból és frissít fel akkor, amikor a...
The Torah views one who teaches...the child of his fellow man as if he had begotten him. This tenet seems to be behind every word of this brilliant treatise. The teacher must be responsible for...
The whole thing was basically an experiment,' Richard Feynman, looking back on the origins of these lectures, said late in his career. It turned out to be a hugely successful one, spawning books...
Experience a powerful, natural way to vibrant health that has transformed millions of people worldwide! A bestselling author and the founder of mind-body practices with phenomenal success, Ilchi...
New International Business English is a flexible course at the upper-intermediate level tor people who need or will soon need to use English in their day-to-day work. All four skills - listening,...
Discover what s inside your body! Learn all about what s inside your own body and about the major systems that make up the human body; bones and muscles, the heart and circulation, the brain and...
A Practical and Precise Study of Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines and Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Lines (Macmillan Technology Series) ADSL/VDSL Principles provides the communications and...
Photoelectrical sensors of the Gxx series are all-purpose switches used in machine systems and equipment for no contact surveillance of motion of elements. They are based on the photoelectric...
The voodoo/black magic death spell causes the demise of the victim in a few ways. One way is to force the victim to commit suicide himself. The second way can be that the victim runs into an...