After the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution, will the new revolution of the post-industrial era be of personal services? Powerful social and cultural trends are driving this new...
Published 11 Jul 2022 Edition First Pages 296 Size 17.2 x 11.6 x 1.7cm This guidebook describes in full the 735km Via Podiensis (GR65), a historic pilgrimage route through southern France from Le...
Organizations from all over the world gathered at the “International Conference on the Restoration of Peace in Ukraine” hosted by international peace NGO, HWPL and Business Woman...
Prémium orsó igényes horgászoknak. A 2020-as Daiwa Fuego LT belépést jelent az LT orsóépítés egy új dimenziójába. Egy új anyagkombináció - Zaion V - felhasználásával a...