Ehhez a termékhez nem készült el a leírás. Ha szüksége van részletes információkra, szívesen segítünk Önnek. Kattintson a Kérdés a termékről gombra és soron kívül...
Cover sheet: - universal use - water, mold and tear resistant - double seams, including anti-corrosion eyelets - flexible properties even under freezing conditions - with UV protection -...
Cover sheet: - universal use - water, mold and tear resistant - double seams, including anti-corrosion eyelets - flexible properties even under freezing conditions - with UV protection -...
Cover sheet: - universal use - water, mold and tear resistant - double seams, including anti-corrosion eyelets - flexible properties even under freezing conditions - with UV protection -...
Cover sheet: - universal use - water, mold and tear resistant - double seams, including anti-corrosion eyelets - flexible properties even under freezing conditions - with UV protection -...
Cover sheet: - universal use - water, mold and tear resistant - double seams, including anti-corrosion eyelets - flexible properties even under freezing conditions - with UV protection -...
Cover sheet: - universal use - water, mold and tear resistant - double seams, including anti-corrosion eyelets - flexible properties even under freezing conditions - with UV protection -...
Kerti vízálló sátor. Jellemzői a szilárdság, ellenálló képesség, valamint stabilitás, ami az un. „automatikus olló-rendszernek” köszönhető. Összecsukott állapotban téglalap...