This book traces the cause of many chronic health problems to our modern diet and shows how a return to traditional foods can improve one's well-being. Modern medicine now recognizes that the...
A stand up comedy nagyon széles teret ad egy humoristának az önkifejezésre, ám mégis csak behatárolt keretek között mozoghat az előadó. Most szeretnénk megmutatni egy új arcunkat,...
Practical English Usage is a major new reference guide for intermediate and advanced students of English (of all nationalities) and their teachers. It contains short clear articles on all the...
The Torah views one who teaches...the child of his fellow man as if he had begotten him. This tenet seems to be behind every word of this brilliant treatise. The teacher must be responsible for...
Harper Collins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Death and honour are thought to be the same, but today I have learned that sometimes they are not.' Set in...
Catherine Bailey has been enjoying the single life long enough to know a catch when she sees one. Gorgeous, charismatic and spontaneous, Lee seems almost too perfect to be true. And her friends...
This book was primarily written with the needs of an English major student at Eötvös Loránd University in mind. However, it is hoped that participants of in-service methodology update courses or...
Tisztelt Olvasó! Könyvem nem a nyegle minoritás nemtelen vádaskodásáról, nem a bűnösök aljas mocskolódásáról, és nem megrendelésre készült személyeskedésről szól. Ez a könyv...
Discover what s inside your body! Learn all about what s inside your own body and about the major systems that make up the human body; bones and muscles, the heart and circulation, the brain and...
The primary objective of this NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) was to present an up-to-date overview of various current areas of interest in the field of photovoltaic and related photoactive...