Leidenschaft und Fülle, Maß und Gleichgewicht Nach vielen ideologischen Engführungen wird das Thema „Frau“ hier wieder neu buchstabiert. 972 vorrätig Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager Autor:...
Der Sammelband umfasst philosophische und soziologische Ansätze, um die zentralen Begriffe Hedonismus, Geschmack und Genuss zu definieren und in die (genusssüchtige und/oder genussunfähige)...
Selbstentwürfe bedienen sich so heterogener Medien wie selbstgemachter Fotos, gebastelter Alben, amateurhafter Filme, künstlerischer Visualisierungen usw. Die Analysen von homosexuellen...
After the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution, will the new revolution of the post-industrial era be of personal services? Powerful social and cultural trends are driving this new...
Now busy home cooks can bring the fantastic flavors of Thai cuisine into the kitchen with a simple trip to the grocery store. Nancie McDermott, experienced cook, teacher, and author of the...
Cartoonist and doctor Ian Williams takes his stethoscope to Dr Iwan James, a rural GP in need of more than a little care himself. Incontinent old ladies, men with eagle tattoos, traumatised...
In this trailblazing, icono-clastic book, Fred DeLuca, the co-founder and CEO of SUBWAY, draws on his own experience and that of twenty-two other entrepreneurs who start on a shoestring, including...
Considered the gold-standard in GMAT test prep, Manhattan GMAT’s ten strategy guides are the first books on the market to be aligned with the GMAC Official Guide, 2015 and 13th Editions. Fully...