This book traces the cause of many chronic health problems to our modern diet and shows how a return to traditional foods can improve one's well-being. Modern medicine now recognizes that the...
Zielgruppe: Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im In- und Ausland ohne Vorkenntnisse Lernziel: Führt zur Niveaustufe B1 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens und bereitet auf die Prüfung Zertifikat...
Avoiding shellfish was easy. The stoning of adulterers proved a little more difficult - and potentially controversial. Was it enough to walk up to an adulterer and gently touch them with a stone?...
Philip Roth ist schlicht und einfach der größte Romancier, der heute in englischer Sprache schreibt.« LOUIS BEGLEY IN DER FAZ Im Jahr 1998, als Amerika sich angesichts der drohenden...
Written in an accessible style, What Do Jewish People Think about Jesus? answers sixty common questions about Jewish people and Jewish culture. Drawn from the steady stream of questions Michael L....
The Thrill of Hearing the Voice of God“The harder I try to be good, the worse off I am!” If that sounds like you, there’s good news. Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince shows the way to...
In the first century of the Common Era, tens of thousands of Jewish people followed Yeshua (Jesus), believing him to be the promised Messiah of Israel. They didn't renounce their heritage, their...
First Century C.E./A.D. Messianic Jewish Believers in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) turned the world upside down. This is so potently portrayed in author Luke’s 18,374 words that the book has come...
Inside the burning house, the smoke was so overpowering that even one breath of it was deadly. The fire was out of control. If only I could reach Samuel, but there was too much smoke for me to see...
Bible readers generally understand Galatians as Pauls dissertation against the Torah and against Judaism. More than any other book of the New Testament, Galatians defines the line between Messianic...
Die Entholung der einstigen Herren-Mittelklasse von allen Rechten in den vierzigen Jahren, das Privatpanoptikum der deklassierten Elemente und anderer interessanter Personen, die schweren Jahre des...
Spiritual warfare is real, and we are all involved whether we like it or not. The Bible plainly tells us that Satan schemes against humanity and that he wants to devour us. Daily we struggle...