With an Introduction and Notes by Professor Emeritus John Chapple, University of Hull The sheer variety and accomplishment of Elizabeth Gaskell s shorter fiction is amazing. This new volume...
Mario Vargas Llosa's brilliant, multilayered novel is set in the Lima of the author's youth, where a young student named Marito is toiling away in the news department of a local radio station. His...
Frank McCourt’s glorious childhood memoir, Angela’s Ashes, has been loved and celebrated by readers everywhere for its spirit, its wit and its profound humanity. A tale of redemption, in which...
Recognized today as the undisputed master of the American Gothic horror story, Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1949) revealed his genius in tales of death, terror, evil, and perversity. Highly skilled in...
At last, from the crest of a little cliff, we gazed with emotion on the rushing waters of the great river. How touching it was to see again our childhood friend, and to think that the very waters...
PRAISE FOR HARLAN COBEN 'The absolute master' RICHARD OSMAN 'One of the all-time greats' GILLIAN FLYNN 'One of my favourites' JOHN GRISHAM 'At the top of his game' PETER JAMES 'Never lets you down'...
Go with God and Fight Like the Devil. A fascinating hero and the pursuit of a sword with mythical power - this is the remarkable new novel by Britain’s master storyteller, which culminates at the...
A házasságok, úgymond, az égben köttetnek, de a földön élik őket - és bizony nem mindegyik lesz örök életű. Adrian és Steven Towsend szép, fiatal, tehetséges, jómódú,...
Szerző: Stephanie Meyer Sphere, 2009 Kiváló állapotú. Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that takes over the minds of their human hosts while leaving...