Anatómiailag formázott talpbetét, amelyet a hosszanti és keresztirányú boltívek alátámasztására fejlesztettek ki. A sarokrészen puha bélés készül, amely tompítja a sarokcsontra...
Our original evergreen boot with long history we started in 1996. Universal for the city streets and outdoor conditions in any weather conditions.- roll top upper construction- upper made from...
Our original evergreen boot with long history we started in 1996. The KING combines the heritage of BUSTAGRIP with the urban street wear tradition. Universal for the city streets and outdoor...
Our original evergreen boot with long history we started in 1996. The KING combines the heritage of BUSTAGRIP with the urban street wear tradition. Universal for the city streets and outdoor...
Bustagrip original evergreen boot with long history we started in 1996. The KING combines the heritage of BUSTAGRIP with the urban street wear tradition. Universal for the city streets and outdoor...
Bustagrip original evergreen boot with long history we started in 1996. The KING combines the heritage of BUSTAGRIP with the urban street wear tradition. Universal for the city streets and outdoor...
Our original evergreen boot with long history we started in 1996. The ROOKIE combines the heritage of BUSTAGRIP with the urban street wear tradition. Universal for the city streets and outdoor...