La glace et moi Le héros du texte d'Éva Janikovszky est un adolescent qui se regarde devant la glace et est effondré par ce qu'il y voit. Son cou s'est allongé, sa t?te a rétréci, ses cheveux...
Be Glad It's a Boy! Some things you feel before they happen. Especially when you1re expecting a baby. I wasn't interested in what it would be, because I knew that it could only be a boy. But when I...
Constitutional Journey in the United States - An Interview Book Constitutional Journey in the United States invites the readers on an intellectual voyage and offers a unique view to explore the...
Avoiding shellfish was easy. The stoning of adulterers proved a little more difficult - and potentially controversial. Was it enough to walk up to an adulterer and gently touch them with a stone?...
“In Brida, il mio terzo romanzo che ho scritto appena dopo L’Alchimista, racconto l’iniziazione di una ragazza al mondo della magia attraverso diverse tradizioni esoteriche. In esso esploro...
TARTALOM Konferencianyitó ökumenikus imádság 7 Tempfli József rk. megyéspüspök, Nagyvárad 7 Gulácsy Lajos ref. püspök, Munkács 9 Schweitzer József országos főrabbi, Budapest 9...
Fiatalok alkohol- és egyéb drogfogyasztása Magyarországon - ESPAD 2007 Az ESPAD 1995-ben indult azzal a céllal, hogy rendszeresen ismétlődő, időben és nemzetközileg összehasonlítható...
2nd edition Published: 14th Dec 18 352 PAGES This new, thoroughly updated second edition of Bradt's Falkland Islands remains the only standalone guide to this British Overseas Territory and is...