t the end of cinemas first hundred years, one man stands alone and unchallenged as its most successful box office star. Ruggedly resolute, an all-American everyman. Harrison Ford has delivered a...
Embittered by a false accusation, disappointed in friendship and love, the weaver Silas Marner retreats into a long twilight life alone with his loom. . . and his gold. Silas hoards a treasure that...
Cover Paperback - Laminated Edition First Expand Published 4 Nov 2015 Pages 224 No. Maps 51 Dimensions 17.2 x 11.6 x 1.3cm This guidebook describes 50 circular walks and scrambles exploring the...
Aviva Gabriella Steiner Aviva, the Hungarian teacher of physical education has been searching for years how to voluntarily control the womb-process. In 1966 in Israel she developed a series of...
Auflage:7., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage 2022 Seiten:288 Ausstattung:91 height profiles, 85 maps in 1:50,000 / 1:75,000, 4 overview maps in 1:400,000, Format 11.5 x 16.5 cm, paperback with...