5th Edition Published Aug 2019 352 pp / 128 pp colour / 39 maps Next scheduled release date: Sept 2023 OLVASS BELE Just a stone’s throw from Borneo’s multi-ethnic cities are jungles teeming...
9th Edition Published July 2022 288 pp fullcolour/ 45 maps Next edition due: July 2026 Walkable neighborhoods, drink-and-dine delights and memorable cultural and outdoor activities framed by...
A WTN Alma őssejt + Hialuron szérum valamennyi bőrtípusra kedvezően hat, ám a leglátványosabb eredményt a természetes öregedés, a napsugárzás és a környezeti szennyeződések...
15 Mar 2022 4th edition 248 pages Located within the Arctic Circle, Lapland spans the outermost fringes of Scandinavia and is a booming arena for adventure holidays and activities. The Bradt guide...
Kedves idióta Virginie Despentes, a francia irodalom punk provokátora ezúttal a #MeToo mozgalom, az internetes zaklatás és a francia társadalom viszonyát boncolgatja. Oscar, a sikeres...
Written in an accessible style, What Do Jewish People Think about Jesus? answers sixty common questions about Jewish people and Jewish culture. Drawn from the steady stream of questions Michael L....
The Autonomous Region of Madrid is a destination and millions of details. It has been a meeting point for centuries. It boasts countless cultural, leisure and entertainment proposals to gratify the...
With rich images and detailed text, the tumultuous history, local legends, and colorful character of Budapest are revealed in this visual travel guide. Travelers will discover what the Hapsburg...
Welcome to a multicultural melting pot of sun, style, and sophistication. Sydney's laidback lifestyle has always drawn tourists from all over the world for the seaside, but thanks to a new influx...
This concise yet lively new survey guides the reader through 5000 years of Indian art and architecture. A rich artistic tradition is fully explored through the Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Colonial,...
Kodai to iro toridori no o-jo Kodály and the Palace of Music is a captivating tale where small forest creatures meet Zoltán Kodály to explore the world of Hungarian folk melodies together....
Middlemarch - Miss Brooke és a vidéki élet szépsége „A legnagyobb brit regény – a világ szerint” – BBC Culture A bájos, fiatal Dorothea egyetlen rossz tulajdonsága, hogy talán...