The book offers students exam preparation support for the C1 level LanguageCert examinations. The book reflects the official LanguageCert exam specifications.
Now with added author content - a Map of Colombo as viewed from the afterlife + Dramatis Personae A magical realism whodunnit set amid Sri Lanka's civil war Colombo, 1990. Maali Almeida, war...
Get To The Top Plus is an exciting and effective English cours which prepares students for real-life communications and builds 21st century competencies.
THERE'S A NEW COOK IN THE CASTLE. AND HE'S GOT A MAGIC TOUCH... A heartwarming blend of cosy fantasy and romance in this tale of a wayward house witch and his magical adventures in and out of the...
This is the second book in the ground-breaking „Hunger Games” trilogy. After winning the brutal Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta return to their district, hoping for a peaceful future. But...
London, 2019. Life has been easy for Maxim Trevelyan. With his good looks, aristocratic connections, and money, he's never had to work and he's rarely slept alone. But all that changes when...
Project third edition is based on the best-selling Project course for students aged 10-15. The new edition has been revised and updated to meet the needs of today's classrooms following extensive...
Read English (Olvassunk angolul!) + This Is America Today (A mai Amerika) (2 kötet) - Dr. Budai László, Lengyel Gabriella (szerk.) - Eladó - Webáruházban kapható!
Dr. Timár Eszter teszt-és feladatgyűjteménye a magyar közép- és felsőfokú, valamint a nemzetközi nyelvvizsgákra készülőknek nyújt segítséget. A hagyományos teszteken és...
2 db Olvass angolul Disneyvel!: Donald's Art Lesson/Donald rajzórája (1. szint) + Puppies int Trouble/Kiskutyák a pácban (2. szint) - Tóth Könyvkereskedés, Tóth Csaba - Eladó -...
Ha egyedül nem megy, csináljuk együtt! Az én angol óráimon nem fogsz szorongani, idegeskedni és a szándékosan kínzó csendet, megrovó pillantásokat is elfelejtheted! Ha valamit nem...