Children's edition of Phaidon's best-selling The Art Book, presenting 30 of the most significant artists from all periods. Each spread is illustrated by one or often more works by the artist and...
The Wiggle & Giggle Busy Book offers 365 fun, lively games and activities to get toddlers and preschoolers moving. It includes outdoor, indoor, water, rhythm/music, and holiday activities for...
Blends the brilliance of the scientific genius with the compassion, playfulness, and wit of the private figure A fascinating read with more interesting material about Einstein as a human being than...
Von Kindesbeinen an kennt Dessel nichts als die gefahrvolle Arbeit in den Cortosis-Minen – bis er eines Tages überstürzt fliehen muss. Dessel tritt in die Armee der Sith ein, wo seine...
It's not easy for duck parents to find a safe place to raise their ducklings, but during a rest stop in Boston's Public Garden, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard think they just might have found the perfect...
Ein einzigartiges Märchenbuch, das zu einem Klassiker avancierte, in einer einmaligen Sonderausgabe zu einem besonderen Preis. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe