Parable of the Sower We are coming apart. We're a rope, breaking, a single strand at a time. America is a place of chaos, where violence rules and only the rich and powerful are safe. Lauren...
When Catherine Gehrig, a museum conservator in London, falls into grief after her lover’s sudden death, her boss gives her a special project. She will bring back to “life” a...
We live in a unique geo ages, in the first decade of the 21st century, a geoeconomic era where geography is appreciated again. The 21st century encompasses political and economic games where the...
COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED: The stories of the man-cub Mowgli\'s boyhood in the jungle have an imaginative power that has appealed to generations of children and adults. Brought up by wolves among the...
Embittered by a false accusation, disappointed in friendship and love, the weaver Silas Marner retreats into a long twilight life alone with his loom. . . and his gold. Silas hoards a treasure that...
I am a maximalist … I want more of everything.’ Tony O’Reilly strode into the twenty-first century an Irishman apart. Strikingly good-looking, athletically gifted, irresistibly charismatic...
Parent-tested and kid-approved, a comprehensive, practical resource for wholesome, healthful meals children of all ages will eat—and love In an era of McDiets, packed schedules, and stressful...
Go with God and Fight Like the Devil. A fascinating hero and the pursuit of a sword with mythical power - this is the remarkable new novel by Britain’s master storyteller, which culminates at the...
A könyv angol nyelvű, rengeteg fotóval.
A szanszkrit Mudrä szó gyökere a "Mud", amely boldogságot, örömet, gyönyört jelent. A mudrák az Änanda-çré állapotának elérését...