Have you ever given up trying to programme your video recorder or use a feature on your computer because the instructions are so complicated? Or wondered why it is so difficult to fill in a tax...
Edward's vision of a land beyond the sea brings him hope that his father is alive and survived the storm, if only he could find him. And when he rescues Bur, a mysterious young man, from the waves,...
The first original archaeological guide of Pompeii with reconstructions of ancient monuments. Past and Present combine to offer a unique and evocative sight/vision.
Este volumen ofrece al lector chistes, canciones, poesías, acertijos... de la inolvidable Gloria Fuertes, que harán las delicias de grandes y pequeños, y los sorprenderán y atraparán con su...
Militenses ex hungarica stirpe - Militum, capellanorum, dominarumque ex origine hungarica Ordinis Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Hierosolymitani Militaris de Melita dictae ab anno 1530 ad annum 2000 -...
This book is a sequel to Kluger's Original Audition Scenes for Actors in popular demand for over ten years. It, too, is designed for professional actors seeking roles in TV shows, commercials and...
Faithfully supported by his chronicler, Dr Watson, Sherlock Holmes pits his wits against 'Napoleon of Crime' Professor Moriarty, assists European royalty threatened by disgrace, helps to solve the...
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'They all agreed that it was a huge creature, luminous, ghastly and spectral.' Originally serialised in The Strand...
The whole thing was basically an experiment, Richard Feynman said late in his career, looking back on the origins of his lectures. The experiment turned out to be hugely successful, spawning...
The whole thing was basically an experiment,' Richard Feynman, looking back on the origins of these lectures, said late in his career. It turned out to be a hugely successful one, spawning books...
Die Seerepublik Genua stand im 16. Jahrhundert vor einer höchst diffizilen politischen Situation. Auf der einen Seite stand man im Lager der spanischen Krone, auf der anderen musste man die...
6th edition Published : 30th May 2019 Bradt’s North Macedonia remains the only standalone English-language guidebook to this increasingly popular destination available outside the country....