Wokban villámgyorsan készíthetünk ínycsiklandóan látványos fogásokat, lehet benne sütni, pirítani, gőzölni, párolni, de még levest főzni is. Eközben a hozzávalók aromája,...
This killer will get inside your head. THE HUNT IS ON AND THE POLICE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Two young women are missing, their only connection being they attended the same party, hosted by a...
Cover Paperback - Laminated Edition Second Expand Published 15 Nov 2017 Originally Published 5 Mar 2006 Pages 272 No. Maps 8 No. Photos 50 Dimensions 17.2 x 11.6 x 1.5cm This guidebook presents 33...
Cover Paperback - PVC Edition First Published 19 Sep 2014 Pages 160 Dimensions 17.2 x 11.6 x 1 cm The little town of Nerja, on Spain’s Costa del Sol, nestles under range of mighty mountains....
5th Edition Published Aug 2019 352 pp / 128 pp colour / 39 maps Next scheduled release date: Sept 2023 OLVASS BELE Just a stone’s throw from Borneo’s multi-ethnic cities are jungles teeming...
Dear You, who is well aware that books take us to, just like Carpet in Aladdin, a whole new world: thank you for choosing this guide to accompany a child on the magical ride of reading, languages,...
MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: Consultancy in a Global Context Have you always wondered how to learn the essentials of international management consulting in just a short...
Metanoia Az életünket gyökeresen megváltoztató eseményeket érzelmek széles skálája kíséri. Ezek az időszakok enyhén szólva is nehezek és kellemetlenek lehetnek. Végső soron mégis...
A fiú és a kém - The Boy And The Spy KIADÓ: CSIMOTA Egy kisfiú iskolába menet elhalad egy férfi előtt, aki az utcán üldögél. Külföldinek látszik: barna a bőre és fura a ruhája. Ki...
Clear emphasis on teaching, not just testing *Step-by-step development of writing skills with model compositions *Emphasis on personalisation gets students involved and interacting in class *Songs,...
Ringer Like its ambitious companion novel, Replica, this far-reaching novel by the powerhouse author of Before I Fall and the Delirium trilogy digs deep into questions of how to be a human being in...
They misunderestimated me Or did they? Judge for yourself. Here are over 100 memorable misstatements by our syntactically challenged president, collected, annotated, and introduced by Slate...
Berlin: The Downfall 19145 is Antony Beevor's brilliant account of the fall of the Third Reich. The Red Army had much to avenge when it finally reached the frontiers of the Reich in January 1945....
A lájkok városa Közösségi média, megszállottság, anyaság - Jenny Mollen története megmutatja, hogyan veszíthetjük el magunkat. Társadalmi üzenet, fekete humor és jól bevált...