Conan, a barbár - Elveszett legendák II. A Conan, a barbár történeteiben a szerző, Robert E. Howard egy Atlantisz elsüllyedése utáni, az ismert ókori civilizációk felemelkedését...
Faithfully supported by his chronicler, Dr Watson, Sherlock Holmes pits his wits against 'Napoleon of Crime' Professor Moriarty, assists European royalty threatened by disgrace, helps to solve the...
Considered the gold-standard in GMAT test prep, Manhattan GMAT’s ten strategy guides are the first books on the market to be aligned with the GMAC Official Guide, 2015 and 13th Editions. Fully...
Published: 28th Jun 17 4th edition 440 pages / 16 colour photos / 27 maps Tanzania has grown to be one of the top safari destinations in Africa. This new edition of Northern Tanzania focuses solely...
Harper Collins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Death and honour are thought to be the same, but today I have learned that sometimes they are not.' Set in...
Az új Omnia Barista Editions Cremoso 100% tiszta arabica kávéból készült, lassú pörköléssel. Eredeti pörkölés: a klasszikus Omnia pazar aromája legendás: azonnal felszabaduló...