One was raised to rule. One was trained to die. Welcome to the Chronicles of Castellane. In the vibrant city-state of Castellane, a young orphan named Kel is stolen from his old life to enter a...
The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in George R.R. Martin's Fire & Blood. So began the Targaryens' bloody rule, with fire and blood. Setting brother against brother, mother...
Jon ?Krakauer s literary reputation rests on insightful chronicles of lives conducted at the outer limits. In UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN, he shifts his focus from extremes of physical adventure to...
Barchester Towers is the second novel in Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire, a richly comic story of clerical in-fighting centring on the formidable Mrs Proudie and the oily Mr Slope, and the...
**Now a major Netflix film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel** ~ The Irishman is an epic saga of organised crime in post-war America...