
Executive Director

Ár: 300.000 Ft

Archivált hirdetés

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Certificates and issuing credentials, with sales of the multinational company's Call Center invites applications



 Fluent in spoken and written hungarian
 Speaking and writing in slovenian on conversational level


The chief executive director is responsible for managing independently and responsibly in a working relationship:

 fulfill and enforce the ownership interest
 increase the goodwill of the company
 recognize and use the potential opportunities for the company-group
 lead and verify the company group’s activities
 conduct professional and effective resource management
 manage and develop the organizational structure of the company
 effectively manage the human and material resources what are necessary for production
 create environment for the company's leagal operations with all appropriate legislations and regulations
 strategic cooperation with the owners
 optimize the expenses
 financial and strategic planning
 creating feasibility calculations, analytics, statistics
 the leader with a first number guides leads the company with modern viable methods
 to achieve the firm's objectives and its business aims, and to keep its stability and market position
 active participation in the development of the firm's strategy and it's the business plan
 responsible for executing the owners business plan
 ensure harmony between the executive team and the entire company
 configuration of policies and processes, and their observance
 providing support and motivation for achiving sales plans
 managing areas under his/her control as profitcenters
 creating development plans and progress monitoring


 Higher education
 Experience in sales
 Motivated, enthusiastic, agile, open to new ideas
 Two or three years of management experience (preferably in gaining the Prime leader duties
 Creative, dynamic work style
 Medium-size company work management and knowledge management
 high-level knowledge of using Office programs ( MS Office )
 Good interpersonal and problem solving skills
 Commitment, Dedication


 Strong leadership and communication skills
 Excellent organizational skills, confident and charismatic appearance
 Proprietory view, business sense
 loves a challenge, dedicated, flexible , independent personality
 Capacity, high stress tolerance
 Excellent analytical skills and ability to understand processes
 Logical way of thinking
 Realistic and objective value judgment
 Responsible and liable


 Mana
Fontos! Ha a hirdetésre jelentkezve a hirdető pénzt kér előre (kiutazás, szállás stb. bármely címen), szakítsa meg vele a beszélgetést és jelezze az csapatának. Lásd biztonságos vásárlás Ez a figyelmeztetés minden álláshirdetésnél megjelenik.(by admin)

Archiváltuk a hirdetést!

Település: II. kerület
Fizetés: Fix + teljesítmény
A hirdető: Állást kínál (munkaadó)
Nyelvtudás: Nyelvtudással
Ország: Egyéb EU országban
Állás típus: Kereskedelem
Munkakör: Egyéb
Szükséges végzettség: Felsőfokú végzettséggel
Pozíció szint: Vezető
Extrák: Munkavégzés helye: Ljubljana, Szlovénia
Eddig megtekintették 253 alkalommal

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