Daiwa Exist G Lt 4000-Cxh Elsőfékes Pergető Orsó (10100-406)
Ár: 296.490 Ft
Super Prémium elsőfékes orsó, melyben nem talál kifogást! Minden új Daiwa Exist a Light and Tough jegyében készült el. Az új könnyített orsóháznak köszönhetően, az elődökhöz képest jóval könnyebbé vált. A létező főbb jellemzők: Monocouque test Tough Digi Gear Magseals Zaion ház A fém monokróm test, amelyet először a 2016-os Certate HD modelleknél alkalmaztak, stabilan tartja a mechanikát, miközben nagy belső teret kínál a túlméretezett fogaskerekek számára, így hatékonyabbá teszi az orsó működését. A Tough Digi Gear hidegen kovácsolt, rendkívül erős alumíniumból készült, és precíz. Az erős fogaskerekek kiváló simaságot és hosszabb élettartamot biztosítanak. Négy ponton zárt mágneszárás gátolja meg a szennyeződés orsóba kerülését. Ezekkel a csúcsminőségű szolgáltatásokkal a Daiwa Exist komoly orsót kínál. EXIST LT Spinning reel The 18' Exist LT is featuring Japanese technology at its best - made by DAIWA. DAIWA's new milestone in reel construction is produced with the new LT (Light & Tough) concept and provides all technical features and benefits that distinguish DAIWA quality. The cold-forged Tough Digigear drive gear has been completly re-designed to cope also with the hardest strains during heavy and frequent fishing. The smooth rotation will remain smooth for the lifetime under normal fishing conditions. The gearing noise during retreive is virtually eliminated to the lowest level and will support you in concentrating on your fishing. The Air Metal Monocoque Body is extremly rigid and tough and provides perfect housing for the gearing. This - in conjunction with the oversized, large drive gear - (up to 85% of the bodie's surface) significantly contributes to keep the smooth and soft retrieval and gear feeling. Thanks to the oversized drive gear, the power tarsnmission is considerably improved - perfect for lure fishing with soft lures and braided lines on long and short distances. Even heavy loads can easily be reeled in. The combination of the LT Concept with the Air Metal Magnesium Body and the Zaion Air Rotor allows DAIWA to create extremely light-weight reels (Exist LT 3000-CXH: only 185g), that are extremely rigid and powerfull at the same moment. This new 18' Exist LT series will cope with the highest demands and expectations of fisherman. The MagSealed construction blocks water and debris entering the reel body and prolongues the life span of the reel. The anti-reverse lever has been re-designed to provide faster access and better protection to the reel's internal mechanism. The new line-clip allows both, thin braids and thick mono leaders to be easily clipped inside without any damage. The extremely sensible ATD drag system enables fast and easy adjustment of any fishing condition and keeps the applied drag power always on constant level - perfect to use with thin braided and monofilament lines. Drag power: 1000/2000: 5kg / 2500/3000/4000: 10kg LT (Light & Tough) AIR METAL® magnesium reel body Monocoque® body MAGSEALED® body construction MAGSEALED® line roller 12 CRBB® ball bearings (incl. 2 MAGSEALED® ball bearings) ZAION® AIR ROTOR® CNC cut TOUGH DIGIGEAR® ATD™ drag system Infinite Anti-Reverse® Cross Wrap® system MAGSEALED® side axis construction Aluminum Air spool CNC cut aluminum handle Hi-Grip handle knob AIR BAIL® Twist Buster® II line roller Made in Japan Specifications: Type of spool: D Deep spool C Compact body spool (small body / large spool) Gear ratio: P Power gear ratio H High gear ratio XH Speed gear ratio EXIST LT Ord.no. model BB m/ømm ratio retrieval [cm] wt. [g] 10100-106 1000D-P 12 100/0.23 4.9:1 61 150 10100-205 2000D-P 12 150/0.23 4.9:1 64 155 10100-257 2500-XH 12 100/0.23 6.2:1 87 180 10100-255 2500D 12 150/0.28 5.2:1 73 180 10100-306 3000-CXH 12 100/0.28 6.2:1 93 185 10100-305 3000D-C 12 150/0.33 5.2:1 77 185 10100-405 4000D-C 12 150/0.37 5.2:1 82 205 10100-406 4000-CXH 12 150/0.28 6.2:1 99 205

A hirdető: | Kereskedés hirdetése |
Értékesítés típusa: | Eladó |
Állapota: | Új |
Termékek: | Orsók |
Feladás dátuma: | 2025.03.07 |
Eddig megtekintették 52 alkalommal |
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