
Plates for precise vertical alignment of baltech machine

Ár: 169 Ft

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The plates for precise vertical alignment of the machines in the series are the simplest and most accurate.
BALTECH-23458N is a kit from BALTECH GmbH that is supplied together with the SA-4000 shaft alignment device. This device uses arrow indicators for radial and axial measurements in the horizontal and vertical plane. An experienced alignment specialist can easily and quickly calculate how many calibrated metal plates from the BALTECH-23458N case should be placed under the front and rear supports of the electric motor. Horizontal alignment should be monitored using indicators. Plates for precise vertical alignment of machine shafts and units are supplied in plastic cases. One case has BALTECH-234 plates, the second case has BALTECH-4 plates, and the third case has BALTECH-8 plates. To determine whether the support is parallel or angular, use the baltech FG series of calibrated probes. After centering the fans, it is necessary to balance them in place using the BALTECH VP-3460 system. The reliability technologies concept recommends using a universal program for creating alignment and balancing reports.

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Település: Abaújszántó
A hirdető: Kereskedés hirdetése
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
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