
Precision plates for quick and easy alignment of machines

Ár: 159 Ft

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BALTECH GmbH supplies precision plates for quick and easy machine alignment. Precision plates of the BALTECH-23458N series must always be used for precise alignment of an electric motor with a pump, fan, or gearbox. The reliability of the mechanism always depends on many factors. We recommend using a simple vibrometer VP-3410 for vibration monitoring, which will help you determine the overall vibration level according to the ISO:10816 standard. Depending on the vehicle class, you can avoid an emergency and stop it in time. According to BALTECH statistics, the main sources of vibration are misalignment, imbalance, bearing defects, lubrication conditions, mechanism loosening, Foundation problems, and electrical motor defects. All fluctuations in the machine sooner or later manifest themselves in an increase in temperature. We only use baltech TR-01500 infrared cameras or BALTECH TL-0208C pyrometers to increase the temperature of all types of mechanical and electrical equipment. depending on the power and size of the machine, we recommend using our precision alignment plates. Calibrated precision plates of the BALTECH-23458N series are made in several sizes in mm (50x50, 75x75, 100x100, 125x125, 200x200), in inches (2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 8x8). We guarantee the quality of steel and precision plates in accordance with international requirements.

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A hirdető: Kereskedés hirdetése
Értékesítés típusa: Eladó
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